Technical Informations Hannl"limited" Record Cleaning Machine with Rotating Brush TT: Bergmann Audio "Magne" Tonearm: Bergmann Magne (tangential air-bearing tonearm) Cartridge: Ortofon MC A 90 Phono Amp: Nagra BPS (100 Ohm load) Interconnects by Silent Wire (NF-7) Benchmark ADC 1 USB Interconnects by VIA Blue (XLR & USB-Cable) AC connects by Goldkabel Wavelab 6.1 recording software (recording & manual click removal) iZotope RX Advanced 2.0 (resampling, dithering & audio restoration) Traders Little Helper (SBE fix on 16/44.1) Vacuum Cleaning > Bergmann Magne > Nagra BPS > PC > Wavelab 6.1 (24/96) > manual click removal analyze (no clipping, no DC Bias offset) > split into individual Tracks > resample & dithering for CD-compatible version > FLAC encoded (Vers. 1.21) No silence been removed, please burn gapless to match original tracklayout.